
(1st movement of the Vortex-Suite)

In un mondo futuristico gli uomini dovranno assomigliare ai robot, efficaci, affidabili e privi di sentimenti. La società ci domanderà di seguire il flusso naturale dell‘evoluzione, una vita ad alta velocità. Il progresso della medicina permetterà all’uomo una migliore gestione dello stress. Si potrà scoppiare senza rendersene conto.

In a future world, human beings are bound to resemble robots: efficient, reliable and cold hearted. Society pushes us to follow the natural flux of evolution, a speedy life. The medical progress will allow a better management of stress. You therefore might burst without even knowing it.

„Amidst the constant barrage of sound, information, images, etc., in our 21st Century, it is unbelievably refreshing to come across something different, a “ray of light” through the murk. This CD by Giordano Muto and Marco Santilli is one of the most beautiful examples of pure music I‘ve heard in a long time – uncategorizable in the best sense! Listening to them, I hear melodies, mysteries, great improvisation, astounding interplay, and a soundtrack to a Fellini film that he forgot to make! In short, I loved it, and I can‘t wait for the follow-up (I hope they ask me to join them for a tune or two)! Enjoy!“ Ken Peplowski, NYC, September 2006


Brano ispirato dal canto popolare ‘La maggiolata’ (dal Malcantone). In una calda giornata di maggio, un maggiolino sovrappeso si lancia in volo e si chiede: “Perchè devo essere così pesante? Perchè non sono una farfalla?” Gelosia, tristezza, rabbia e razionalità si susseguono in questo monologo ‘aereo’.

This piece is based on the folk song ‘La maggiolata’ (from Malcantone). On a warm May day, a plump May beetle flies off and asks itself: “Why am I so chunky? I’d rather be a butterfly!” Jealousy, sadness, anger and rationalism supersede one another in this ‘aerial’ monologue.

Giordano Muto (didgeridoo, comp.) Marco Santilli (bass clarinet, voice, kazoo, comp.)

„Santilli e Muto sono anfibi. Polistrumentisti, passano con tecnica sopraffina dagli „effetti“ della musica del secondo ‚900 alla musica popolare senza subire scadimenti tecnici e di gusto. Bravissimi.“
Gianluigi Trovesi, Nembro, ottobre 2006

“Santilli et Muto sont des amphibies. Pluri instrumentalistes, ils passent avec une technique raffinée des effets de la musique contemporaine à la musique populaire sans altérer la technique et sans fautes de goût. Bravo.”
Gianluigi Trovesi, Nembro, octobre 2006

Belli in zona

Impressioni ‘bellinzonesi’ con accenni alla celebre marcia ‘Bellinzona’ di Gianbattista Mantegazzi.

Impressions of Bellinzona (the capital of Ticino) reminiscing the famous homonymous march of Gianbattista Mantegazzi.

Giordano Muto (soprano sax, comp.) Marco Santilli (bass clarinet)

„Die Musik der ‘Belli in zona’ (die Schönen der Gegend) ist wirklich im positiven Sinne schräg. Diese virtuosen Musiker haben eine lebendige Phantasie. Ihre Arrangements und Kompositionen sind originell. Es ist unglaublich, wie sie mit den wenigen Instrumenten immer wieder wechselnde Bilder, Geschichten und Atmosphären hinzaubern.“
Dimitri Clown, Verscio, August 2006

“La musique de «Belli in zona» est tordue au sens positif du terme. Ces musiciens virtuoses ont une imagination créatrice. Leurs arrangements et compositions sont originaux. Par magie, ils inventent avec peu d’instruments, des tableaux changeants, des histoires et des atmosphères fabuleuses.“
Dimitri Clown, Verscio, août 2006


La prima telefonata in Ticino dopo il trasloco di Giordano in Francia: prime sensazioni francesi in un tourbillon di parole.

The first phone call to Ticino after Giordano’s move to France: initial impressions of his new hometown in a whirl of words.

Giordano Muto (tenor sax, comp.) Marco Santilli (bass clarinet)

Ticino senza clichées

Il duo ‘Belli in zona’ rende omaggio alla Svizzera italiana rileggendone la musica popolare e interpretando composizioni originali ispirate dalla propria terra. Per distaccarsi da una visione stereotipata del Ticino allegro e soleggiato, di Merlot servito nei boccalini e di zoccolette danzanti; i due musicisti si sono impegnati a creare una serie di quadri musicali moderni, nel rispetto della tradizione. Il repertorio comprende brani dal carattere e strumentazione sempre differenti, che conferiscono alla musica del duo impasti sonori inediti. Musica colta contemporanea, bandistica, cameristica, operistica, jazz, pop, blues confluiscono nel loro discorso influenzandosi tra loro. Di conseguenza i brani si possono ascoltare a più livelli e possono essere eseguiti ovunque: nei teatri, nei jazz-club, nelle sale da concerto, come pure nelle chiese e nelle piazze. È la visione del canton Ticino attraverso gli occhi di due suoi figli emigrati in differenti zone linguistiche, ma che conservano un legame con la terra d’origine.

Ticino without clichées

The duo ‘Belli in zona’ pays honour to the Italian part of Switzerland by reviving its folk music and interpreting original compositions, inspired by their home canton. To move away from the stereotypical perceptions of the Ticino, i.e. the land of gaiety and sunshine, Merlot being served in ‘boccalini’ (drinking jugs) and dancing clogs, the two musicians strived to create a series of modern musical pictures, while still respecting the traditions. The repertoire contains characteristic pieces with different instruments which give their music a mixture of novel sounds. Elevated contemporary music, band like and chamber music as well as opera, jazz, pop and blues flow into their themes and influence one another. Because of this, the musical pieces can be performed anywhere – such as theaters, jazz clubs, concert halls as well as churches and squares. It’s about the conception of the canton Ticino, seen through the eyes of two sons who emigrated to different speech areas, but who still preserve a bond with their homeland. ‘Belli in zona’ scenarise unique pictures with their beautiful compositions.

Quattro e quattr’otto

per clarinetto o clarinetto basso solo

This collection includes some of my original compositions for unaccompanied clarinet and bass clarinet.

These musical pieces were originally composed and recorded in the last ten years with formations from solo to nonet and appeared on the albums Godiva soleva (Mons Records, 2011), Orgelwind (CD Baby, 2015), L’occhio della betulla (UNIT Records, 2017) and La Stüa (UNIT Records, 2017).

CHF 36 per copy (free shipping within Switzerland)

Marco Santilli Songbook Volume 1

for C-instruments

This collection contains some of my compositions recorded over the past ten years.

The pieces have been taken from the albums Godiva soleva (Mons Records, 2011), Orgelwind (CD Baby, 2015), L’occhio della betulla (UNIT Records, 2017) and La Stüa (UNIT Records, 2017). There are also four original Christmas songs, released in 2019.

The score writing is in the style of the “Real Book“. While the recordings remain a good point of reference, the scores do not reproduce (except for rare exceptions) any arrangements, but intend to provide the musician with a structure on which to improvise and develop his musical narrations. The metronome indications are not binding.

CHF 28 per copy (free shipping within Switzerland)

Marco Santilli Songbook Volume 1

for Bb-instruments

This collection contains some of my compositions recorded over the past ten years.

The pieces have been taken from the albums Godiva soleva (Mons Records, 2011), Orgelwind (CD Baby, 2015), L’occhio della betulla (UNIT Records, 2017) and La Stüa (UNIT Records, 2017). There are also four original Christmas songs, released in 2019.

The score writing is in the style of the “Real Book“. While the recordings remain a good point of reference, the scores do not reproduce (except for rare exceptions) any arrangements, but intend to provide the musician with a structure on which to improvise and develop his musical narrations. The metronome indications are not binding.

CHF 28 per copy (free shipping within Switzerland)

Order your copy by sending me a message.

Another bit of good news for your Sunday morning: My Songbook is available now featuring 22 original pieces. Please contact me personally to get a copy for CHF 28 (free shipping within Switzerland) and don’t forget to mention, if you require the Songbook version for C or B-flat instruments.

Per cominciare bene la domenica, vi annuncio che il mio Songbook è ora disponibile! Da subito ve lo potete procurare per soli CHF 28 (spedizione gratuita in Svizzera). A disposizione le versioni per strumenti in do e in si bemolle.

„Ein Wechsel in den Führungsrängen der SBV? Wenn schon, dann richtig!“

Luana Menoud-Baldi erachte ich als die perfekte Besetzung für den Posten als Präsidentin der SBV Verbandsleitung. Nebst ihrer langjährigen Erfahrung als Vizepräsidentin einer Musikgesellschaft und des Tessiner Kantonalmusikverbands, als Ressortleiterin Marketing der SBV Verbandsleitung, ihrem Know-how in Organisation, Projektleitung, Management, bringt Sie auch das Verständnis für das Füreinander und das Geschick beim Aufbau einer wertschätzenden Kultur mit. Fairness gilt für sie als Grundprinzip. Sie wird den Verband stärken und weiterentwickeln.

Ich kenne Luana sehr gut und spreche aus Erfahrung. Sie verfügt über das handwerkliche Rüstzeug der theoretischen und praktischen Musik, besitzt den Enthusiasmus der ambitionierten MusikantInnen und bringt gleichzeitig die Fähigkeit, der Bedürfnisse künstlerischer Natur von Profi-MusikerInnen nachzukommen.

Als eine der wenigen SchweizerInnen, spricht Luana unsere Landessprachen und kann sich mit Mitgliedern/Partnern des kompletten SBV-Gebiets gleichberechtigt austauschen und Brücken über Sprachbarrieren bauen. Sie ist kommunikativ, empathisch und verhandlungssicher.

Es würde mich ausserordentlich freuen, Luana Menoud-Baldi als Präsidentin des Schweizer Blasmusikverbandes tätig zu sehen.

Marco Santilli
Freischaffender Klarinettist, Komponist, Arrangeur
Mitglied der Werk- und Verteilungskommission der SUISA
Dirigent der Swiss Clarinet Orchestra
Zuzüger Opernhaus Zürich

#marcosantillimusic #lua4sbvpresi #luanamenoubaldi
#klarinett #blasmusik #orchestra #windband