Belli da 15 anni in zona (6)

Belli in zona con Marco Santilli & Giordano Muto


(3rd movement of the Vortex-Suite)

La presenza del male, subdola e ipnotica, trascina gli uomini in una danza diabolica.

The presence of evil, insidious and hypnotic, seduces men into a diabolic dance.

Scene in zona
Arvenweg nove: la tazzina tintinna mentre Gio rimesta zucchero e caffe: “Ci siamo incontrati mezzo secolo fa. Avevi fondato una Big Band. Ma poco dopo sei scompar­so dalla mia vita …” Un attimo di pensoso silenzio, poi: “Ah wunderbar, annusa qui!” Marco, da gran ‘caferat’ gli pone sotto il naso il pacchetto del caffè e afferra la bot­tiglia ‘Santilli’s Coffee Correction’: “ma perche ti polveriz­zasti così presto?”

Scenes within the zone
Arvenweg no. 9: the small cup rattles while Gio is stir­ring sugar into the coffee: “We first met half a centu­ry ago, when you set up a big band. And then, all of a sudden, you disappeared from my life …” A moment of si­lence, then: “Ah, wunderbar, take a sniff!” Marco, being a great admirer of ltalian coffee, holds a pack of ground coffee beneath his nose and grasps the bottle ‘Santilli’s coffee correction’: “but why did you suddenly vanish in­to thin air?”

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