We’re excited to share a thrilling moment from our concert at the LAC in Lugano: “Sana Follia”, an electrifying composition by Marco Santilli.

Inspired by the legend of La strega della Biaschina, this piece paints the tale of the Corvaccia, a feared yet tragic figure whose reputation as a witch spread fear across the region of Giornico. Her crooked frame, wild black hair, and piercing gaze fueled superstitions, and the villagers whispered tales of her malevolent powers: cows that stopped giving milk, hunts that ended empty-handed, and sudden storms that ruined the harvest.

The name Corvaccia, meaning “hooded crow” in Italian, was a fitting nickname for the witch due to the bird’s symbolic and physical characteristics. Often associated with mystery, bad omens, and misfortune, the hooded crow evoked the same unease the villagers felt toward her wild hair, sharp face, and ominous gaze.

But the Corvaccia’s story took an even darker turn when she set her sights on marriage. After her husband’s mysterious death, suspicion thickened like the mist around the Biaschina Gorge. Despite the lack of proof, the townspeople grew increasingly restless and wary of her presence—until one man, Bastiano, came up with an unorthodox plan to render the Corvaccia harmless once and for all. But was his solution madness, courage, or a touch of both?

The performance captured every twist of this tale—the creeping tension, the mischief, and the unexpected humor—all wrapped in a musical journey that kept the audience spellbound.

🎧 Watch the full performance on [YouTube].

We’d love to know your impressions! What emotions did the music stir in you? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more stories and legends transformed into music!

Strada alticcia

Pasticcio delle marcie per banda ‘Airolo’ e ‘San Gottardo’ di Santilli. Percorriamo la ‘Strada alta’ carichi di sei strumenti e abbiamo sempre più la sensazione di una strada in salita. O è forse solo merito della grappa di Giornico prestataci? La conseguenza è che pure la nostra musica sale vertiginosamente.

A blend of Santilli’s band marches: ‘Airolo’ and ‘San Gottardo’. We walk along the ‘Strada alta’ carrying six instruments and feel the road getting steeper and steeper. Or is this impression caused by Giornico’s schnapps, that has been lent to us? Consequence is: our music ascends as well.

G. Muto: baritone, tenor, alto, soprano sax
M. Santilli: bass clarinet, clarinet, comp.

Scene in zona
Marco con l’ultimo allievo: “Sai, ho finalmente trovato un partner ideale, che vive ora in Francia. Se obiettivi e moti­vazione sono condivisi, la distanza e relativa. lnoltre lui è fresco di studi e padroneggia tutti i sax, il che mi costrin­ge a tenere il passo.”

Scenes within the zone
Marco with his last pupil: “You know, l’ve finally found the perfect partner. The fact that he lives in France doesn’t hurt our project any, since we share the same objectives and motivation. Besides, he just finished his studies and he’s a master of the sax – l’m bound to pull up my socks to keep up.”