We’re delighted to share “Zu Erich”, a witty and imaginative composition performed live during the Sujazzstiva concert at Ceresio Estate in Lugano on September 3, 2023.

This piece, composed by Marco Santilli, breathes life into the legend of Zurich’s patron saints Felix, Regula, and Exuperantius—Christian martyrs who carried their severed heads to their final resting place. But before their fateful end, the story begins with a less dramatic but amusing twist.

According to this playful retelling, the three saints arrive in Zurich and, feeling quite lost, ask the locals for directions. In response, they are continuously told to go “Zu Erich!”—a direction that becomes so repeatedly shouted that the vowels merge into an unmistakable Zürich!” Thus, the city’s name is born amid the flurry of confusion and excitement.

The music mirrors this humorous chaos with its rapid exchanges, bustling melodies, and a crescendo of jubilant fanfare worthy of a stadium celebration. References to the Sechseläuten march, Ticino folk song “Se parto per Zurigo”, and even Wagner’s Tristan chord—reportedly forgotten in Zurich—add layers of wit and musical homage.

🎶 This piece transforms history into a grand musical farce, complete with a triumphant, three-part fugue symbolizing the unwavering spirit of the three saints.

📅 Recorded live at Ceresio Estate, September 3, 2023.

🎧 Watch the performance on Youtube:

We’re excited to share “Ale.com”, a dynamic and daring composition performed live at the Sujazzstiva concert in Castagnola, Lugano, on September 3, 2023.

This energetic jazz piece, full of sharp edges and unpredictable rhythms, is inspired by the legend “Il Diavolo e la Bugia”. The tale recounts the fate of Marcusse, a greedy nobleman in Bidogno whose deceit led to his undoing. After demanding payment twice from a humble farmer and swearing that the devil should take him if he lied, Marcusse refused to remove his shirt, fearing his own words. But one day, when the shirt finally tore apart, the devil claimed him, dragging him to the depths of hell through a hole in the villa floor that no one could ever close.

The composition Ale.com captures the tension and chaos of Marcusse’s unraveling fate. Its jagged, punchy rhythms echo the cracks in his deception, while its driving momentum reflects the devil’s relentless approach. Yet, within this storm of sound, there is also wit, a sense of rebellious charm, and, perhaps, a sly reminder of fate’s twists and turns.

🎶 Ale.com is more than music—it’s a bold story brought to life through a powerful performance.

📅 Recorded live at Sujazzstiva in Castagnola, Lugano, September 3, 2023.

🎧 Watch the full performance on Youtube!

We’d love to know your impressions: Does this piece make you think of life’s unexpected turns?

We are pleased to share “Dauer der Ewigkeit”, a profound composition by Marco Santilli that was performed live at the LAC in Lugano.

This piece is inspired by an ancient legend from Bosco Gurin, the highest village in Ticino, once home to a community of Walser settlers. Though Gurinerdeutsch, their unique dialect, is rarely spoken today, the stories have endured. One such tale describes a small bird sharpening its beak on a massive stone known as “en ‘Pezta”.

Every 300 years, the bird returns to the stone, and when the stone has been completely worn down, eternity itself is said to come to an end.

The music beautifully embodies this contrast: the tiny bird and the vast, unyielding stone, the fleeting and the infinite. The piece unfolds with a heavy, spacious melody that evokes the slow passage of time—dark yet spacious, with a thread of hope that rises through the shadows.

🎶 Let Dauer der Ewigkeit transport you to a place where time stretches endlessly, yet feels fragile and fleeting.

📅 Recorded live at the LAC Lugano, 3 November 2024.

🎧 Watch the performance on Youtube:

We’d love to hear your impressions—what emotions does this legend and its musical interpretation awaken in you?

We’re excited to share a thrilling moment from our concert at the LAC in Lugano: “Sana Follia”, an electrifying composition by Marco Santilli.

Inspired by the legend of La strega della Biaschina, this piece paints the tale of the Corvaccia, a feared yet tragic figure whose reputation as a witch spread fear across the region of Giornico. Her crooked frame, wild black hair, and piercing gaze fueled superstitions, and the villagers whispered tales of her malevolent powers: cows that stopped giving milk, hunts that ended empty-handed, and sudden storms that ruined the harvest.

The name Corvaccia, meaning “hooded crow” in Italian, was a fitting nickname for the witch due to the bird’s symbolic and physical characteristics. Often associated with mystery, bad omens, and misfortune, the hooded crow evoked the same unease the villagers felt toward her wild hair, sharp face, and ominous gaze.

But the Corvaccia’s story took an even darker turn when she set her sights on marriage. After her husband’s mysterious death, suspicion thickened like the mist around the Biaschina Gorge. Despite the lack of proof, the townspeople grew increasingly restless and wary of her presence—until one man, Bastiano, came up with an unorthodox plan to render the Corvaccia harmless once and for all. But was his solution madness, courage, or a touch of both?

The performance captured every twist of this tale—the creeping tension, the mischief, and the unexpected humor—all wrapped in a musical journey that kept the audience spellbound.

🎧 Watch the full performance on [YouTube].

We’d love to know your impressions! What emotions did the music stir in you? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more stories and legends transformed into music!

We are delighted to share a memorable moment from our concert at the LAC in Lugano—an emotional performance of “Ave Maria” by Marco Santilli’s CheRoba & il Fiato delle Alpi.

This original composition, written and arranged by Marco Santilli, was inspired by a poignant legend from Bosco Gurin. After an avalanche buried the chapel dedicated to the Madonna della Neve, a miraculous light guided the villagers in rediscovering their faith and unity.

The audience at the LAC was moved by the performance, as the music’s solemn beauty and haunting melodies filled the hall. Many shared how the music transported them, evoking feelings of nostalgia, resilience, and hope.

🎶 Highlights from the Concert:

  • A captivating arrangement blending traditional Swiss motifs with a chamber jazz interpretation.
  • A rich emotional journey, beautifully conveyed by the ensemble’s synergy and Marco Santilli’s sound projection.

🎧 Watch the full performance on Youtube and don’t forget to follow us for more stories transformed into music!

We would love to hear your impressions! Share your thoughts or personal reflections about “Ave Maria” in the comments below—your stories inspire us.

Join us for a captivating evening of music as we present “Sujazzstiva in due” — a duo concert inspired by the enchanting fairy tales and legends of the Italian part of Switzerland. Experience the unique interplay between Marco Santilli (clarinets, compositions) and Marina Vasilyeva (piano) in the historic setting of the Alte Spitalkirche zum Heiligen Geist, Solothurn.

The concert will take place on Wednesday, November 13th at 19:30.

Be transported by original compositions that weave storytelling and musical expression into an unforgettable performance. Visit the Sujazzstiva in due Playlist on Youtube.

Marina Vasilyeva and I can’t wait to share this special night with you! 🌔✨

Click here to download the concert flyer (pdf).

Legends, Tales, and Fables of Italian-speaking Switzerland in Music

This Sunday, November 3rd, at 11:00 AM, let Marco Santilli’s CheRoba e il Fiato delle Alpi take you on a musical journey like no other at Lugano’s LAC Hall – and it’s free to join! Our nonet is set to fill the space with the spirit of the Alps, blending jazz with the rich narratives of Swiss legends. Imagine sounds that evoke the whisper of mountain breezes, the vibrant calls of mythical creatures, and echoes of timeless Alpine landscapes.

“Sujazzstiva” will transport you through musical storytelling that captures the heart of Ticino, unfolding landscapes, and tales of yore with jazz’s unique freedom. Don’t miss the chance to experience this enchanting performance that resonates with the soul of Switzerland.

Bring friends, family, and curiosity—see you there!

📍 When: Sunday, November 3rd, 11:00 AM
📍 Where: LAC Hall, Lugano
🎟 Entry: Free

Marco Santilli’s CheRoba & il Fiato delle Alpi
Marco Santilli: clarinet, bass clarinet, compositions Isabell Weymann: flute, alto flute, piccolo Davide Jäger: English horn, oboe Antonio Lagares: French horn Diogo Moutinho: bassoon Azra Ramić: contrabass clarinet Paul Gonzalez: guitar Marina Vasilyeva: piano Fulvio Maras: percussion

Imaginary folklore that takes us back to the atmosphere of a mountain valley stay. “A clarinet was singing…” The melody of a serenade for the one who will (not) appear at the window.
#WhenJazzMeetsPoetry 🖤

Folclore immaginario che ci riporta all’atmosfera di un soggiorno vallerano. ‘Cantava un clarin…’ La melodia di una serenata per colei che (non) si affaccerà.
#QuandoJazzIncontraLaPoesia 🖤

Imaginäres Folklore, das uns in die Atmosphäre eines Aufenthalts im Bergtal zurückversetzt. „Ein Klarinettist sang…“ Die Melodie einer Serenade für diejenige, die (nicht) am Fenster erscheinen wird.
#WennJazzAufPoesieTrifft 🖤

Performed live at the Orangerie/Bonsai Garden, Zurich, featuring Marco Santilli on clarinet and Marina Vasilyeva on piano.

A story of healing herbs, magic, and the dark side of witchcraft. The powerful melody tells the tale of the fearsome witch, accused of poisoning her husband, and ultimately falling to her own vice. #When Jazz meets legend. 🖤
Una storia di erbe curative, magia e il lato oscuro della stregoneria. La potente melodia racconta la saga della temibile strega, accusata di avvelenare il marito e, alla fine, vittima del suo stesso vizio. #Quando il Jazz incontra la leggenda. 🖤
Eine Geschichte von Heilkräutern, Magie und der dunklen Seite der Hexenkunst. Die kraftvolle Melodie erzählt die Geschichte der furchteinflößenden Hexe, die beschuldigt wurde, ihren Mann vergiftet zu haben, und schließlich ihrem eigenen Laster erlag. #Wenn Jazz auf Legenden trifft. 🖤

Performed live at the Orangerie/Bonsai Garden, Zurich, featuring Marco Santilli on bass clarinet and Marina Vasilyeva on piano.

The Witch of Biaschina In Ticino, as everywhere, there were also good ‘witches’: women knowledgeable about herbs who knew how to heal sick animals and people. One such woman lived in Biaschina. However, she was followed by her malicious daughter, a true witch, who used her abilities to cast harmful spells. The people of the area lived in constant fear of her and tried to avoid any encounters. In the end, the bailiff was tasked with putting her on trial. She was accused of poisoning her husband and committing several acts of arson, but nothing could be proven. Finally, a clever man came up with the idea of exploiting one of the witch’s great weaknesses: her alcoholism. She eventually drank herself to death on the grappa reserves of the winemakers.

La Strega della Biaschina In Ticino, come ovunque, esistevano anche ‘streghe’ buone: donne esperte di erbe che sapevano curare animali e persone malate. Una di queste viveva in Biaschina. Tuttavia, la donna era seguita dalla figlia malvagia, una vera e propria strega, che usava le sue abilità per incantesimi dannosi. Gli abitanti della zona vivevano quindi in costante timore di lei e cercavano di evitare ogni incontro. Per liberarsene, alla fine il balivo le intentò un processo. Fu accusata di aver avvelenato il marito e di aver commesso diversi incendi dolosi, ma non si riuscì a provare nulla. Un uomo astuto ebbe però l’idea di sfruttare una grande debolezza della strega: la sua dipendenza dall’alcol. Infatti, ella si bevve fino alla morte tutte le riserve di grappa dei viticoltori.

Die Biaschina-Hexe Im Tessin gab es, wie überall, auch gute ‚Hexen‘: kräuterkundige Frauen, die kranke Tiere und Menschen zu heilen wussten. Eine solche lebte auch in der Biaschina. Ihr folgte aber eine bösartige Tochter, eine richtige Hexe, die ihre Fähigkeiten dazu benutzte, Schadenzauber zu verüben. Die Menschen des Kreises lebten daher in ständiger Furcht und versuchten, jede Begegnung mit ihr zu vermeiden. Um sie loszuwerden, sollte der Landvogt ihr schliesslich den Prozess machen. Man beschuldigte sie, ihren Mann vergiftet und mehrere Brandstiftungen verübt zu haben, konnte ihr aber nichts beweisen. Zu guter Letzt kam ein schlauer Mann auf die Idee, eine grosse Schwäche der Hexe auszunutzen, ihre Trunksucht. An den gesamten Grappa-Vorräten der Weinbauern trank sie sich schliesslich zu Tode.

Quando un uccellino arriva ogni 300 anni per affilare il suo becco sulla pietra ‘en Petza’, e quando la pietra è completamente consumata, l’eternità è finita. La melodia cattura l’atmosfera tranquilla e meditativa di questa leggenda. Quando il jazz incontra la leggenda. 🖤
When a tiny bird comes every 300 years to sharpen its beak on the stone ‘en Petza’, and when the stone is completely worn away, eternity will have ended. The melody captures the calm and meditative atmosphere of this legend. When jazz meets legend. 🖤
Wenn ein Vöglein alle 300 Jahre kommt, um seinen Schnabel an dem Stein ‘en Petza’ zu wetzen, und wenn der Stein vollständig abgewetzt ist, ist die Ewigkeit vorüber. Die Melodie fängt die ruhige und meditative Atmosphäre dieser Legende ein. Wenn Jazz auf Legenden trifft. 🖤

Performed live at the Orangerie/Bonsai Garden, Zurich, featuring Marco Santilli on bass clarinet and Marina Vasilyeva on piano.