Belli in zona

Belli in zona

Giordano Muto ss, as, ts, bs, didg
Marco Santilli cl, bcl, g, voc

CD Belli in zona published by Altrisuoni, 2007

Ticino without clichées

The duo ‘Belli in zona’ pays honour to the Italian part of Switzerland by reviving its folk music and interpreting original compositions, inspired by their home canton. To move away from the stereotypical perceptions of Ticino, i.e. the land of gaiety and sunshine, Merlot being served in ‘boccalini’ (drinking jugs) and dancing clogs, the two musicians strived to create a series of modern musical pictures, while still respecting the traditions. The repertoire contains characteristic pieces with different instruments which give their music a mixture of novel sounds. Elevated contemporary music, band like and chamber music as well as opera, jazz, pop and blues flow into their themes and influence one another. Because of this, the musical pieces can be performed anywhere – such as theaters, jazz clubs, concert halls as well as churches and squares. It’s about the conception of the canton Ticino, seen through the eyes of two sons who emigrated to different speech areas, but who still preserve a bond with their homeland. ‘Belli in zona’ scenarise unique pictures with their beautiful compositions.

„Santilli e Muto sono anfibi. Polistrumentisti, passano con tecnica sopraffina dagli „effetti“ della musica del secondo ‚900 alla musica popolare senza subire scadimenti tecnici e di gusto. Bravissimi.“ Gianluigi Trovesi, Nembro, ottobre 2006

„Die Musik der ‘Belli in zona’ (die Schönen der Gegend) ist wirklich im positiven Sinne schräg. Diese virtuosen Musiker haben eine lebendige Phantasie. Ihre Arrangements und Kompositionen sind originell. Es ist unglaublich, wie sie mit den wenigen Instrumenten immer wieder wechselnde Bilder, Geschichten und Atmosphären hinzaubern.“ Dimitri Clown, Verscio, August 2006

„Amidst the constant barrage of sound, information, images, etc., in our 21st Century, it is unbelievably refreshing to come across something different, a “ray of light” through the murk. This CD by Giordano Muto and Marco Santilli is one of the most beautiful examples of pure music I‘ve heard in a long time – uncategorizable in the best sense! Listening to them, I hear melodies, mysteries, great improvisation, astounding interplay, and a soundtrack to a Fellini film that he forgot to make! In short, I loved it, and I can‘t wait for the follow-up (I hope they ask me to join them for a tune or two)! Enjoy!“ Ken Peplowski, NYC, September 2006

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Articles published in All about Jazz, Rivista 3valli, Ticino7